Which Sky Swap AI Model In Best? ON1 Photo RAW
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ON1 Photo RAW 2023 now has two AI models for Sky Swap AI - the generically named Model A and Model B. Is one better than the other? Like most things in photography … it depends.
My advice is simple.
The default for Sky Swap AI is Model A. By definition, you’ll use it when you first open the Sky Swap AI tab. In the majority of cases, Model A works fine. If the sky replacement is too aggressive, encroaching into non-sky elements, try Model B. Yeah … like I said … simple.
There are certain situations where Model B is a clear winner. In general terms, Model B works better when the sky being replaced has a similar color and tone to non-sky elements. Consider this example of a washed-out gray sky against bright, semi-washed-out blue-gray buildings. Model A is incredibly aggressive, gobbling up quite a lot of the buildings. Model B is more tempered, bleeding into the buildings much less. Model B is a clear winner, and leaves less cleanup work to do.
A photo where the sky and non-sky elements have similar tone and color.
Sky Sway AI Model A is very aggressive, engulfing a large amount of the buildings.
Sky Swap AI Model B is the clear winner. It is more tempered and leaves less cleanup work to refine the mask.