Distractions While Working

I sat down last night to start assembling the workshop handbook for my Oregon workshop. Yes, that's more than half a year away. I put a lot of effort into the planning of my workshops. I try to eliminate as many unknowns as possible for my students. The weather is always variable. Other things - daily routines, what to bring, what to wear, what to expect, potential locations - are not. So I document those. I think it's important as an instructor to remove as many surprises as possible.
However, tonight I keep getting distracted. I pop into the photo library to pull an image or two for the handbook. My eyes start wandering. I start looking at photos in Oregon. That expands to the Pacific Northwest. The next thing I know, 30 minutes have passed and I'm looking at photos from Washington state on the trial to Panther Creek Falls. And them I'm blogging about it.
Ok... back to writing.
Technical Details:
- Nikon D7000 w/ Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8
- f/8 @ 13mm, 5 sec, ISO 100
- Processed in Lightroom and Luminar