3 Lessons To Stay True To Your Photographic Vision f/58
La Jolla Sunset
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Show Notes
Every time we pick up a camera, or go on location for a shoot, or work on our photos in the digital darkroom, it’s a learning opportunity. The lessons can be large or small, or just reminders of lessons we’ve already learned. Nevertheless, they are there. Reflecting on my most recent outing with the camera, there were several times I had to be mindful to stay true to my vision. In this episode, I’ll share 3 lessons about staying true to your photographic vision.
Patience And Persistence. Sometimes the photo is all about patience. Waiting for the light. Waiting for the clouds to move into position. Waiting for the right person with the right color clothing to walk through the frame. The photo will be right when it’s right. Persistence can also span time, revisiting that photo-rich location until the conditions meet your vision.
Push Past The Naysayers. Not everyone will like your work. We all know this, yet it can still sting when “the internet” leaves unflattering commentary on your work. If you are pursuing photography as a means of self-expression, make the photos you want to make. Not what others want to see you make. Making photos for others is client work. When photography is an artistic pursuit, you are the beginning and the end of your art.
Don’t Force What’s Not There. Sometimes the universe provides the conditions for the photo, something you can influence or shape a scene, and sometimes it’s not meant to be. Don’t get stuck trying to force a photo into existence. If you determine a frame isn’t going to come together, move on. Pursue the possibility of another photo, because pursuing possibility is a good choice to make.
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