My Top 6 Favorite Things About Perfect Photo Suite 9.5

on1 has released Perfect Photo Suite 9.5! More processing goodies! Here's my 6 favorite things about this release.

  1. Luminosity Masks: A very powerful masking technique. Great for natural blends to several exposures. I am hoping for even more control over what's considered light and dark for these masks in the future.
  2. Line Mask Tool: Before PPS9, we had the Pen Tool in Perfect Mask. I'm soooo glad on1 brought back this type of mask with the Line Mask tool. And, like all the other masking tools, it's in the Layers and Effects modules.
  3. Feathering on Brushes: Brushes now have a "Normal" mode, which means the feather goes both outward and inward. The end result - a smoother feather and more control for blending mask edges. The "In" and "Out" modes are also still available.
  4. Blur & Chisel Tool Double-Click: Ok, this really isn't new. But it was broken (or missing?) in PPS9. Now it's back. Double-click the tool and quickly apply the settings to the entire edge of your mask.
  5. GPU Processing: Speed, speed, speed. Many of the filters in Perfect Effects have been updated to take advantage of the graphics processor in your computer. It's an under-the-hood improvement, but a great one.
  6. Crash Logger: Nobody gets excited about application crashes. And for me, Suite 9 has been stable. With Suite 9.5, if a crash happens, when the suite reopens there's the option to submit information on the crash. Use this! It's your direct channel to the engineers at on1.

That's it! If you already own Suite 9, the update to 9.5 is free.

And if you're thinking about purchasing it, please support me and my site by using my affiliate link. You get a great product, and I get a small commission that fills the coffee mug and keeps me in the business of sharing tips and making tutorial videos.