The PlusOne Collection
The Morning Tide | Sunrise Gallery
Over on Google+, Ivan Markov has been hosting a project for the last few years - the PlusOne Collection. Google+ photographers from all walks of life share their photos for a charitable cause. In Ivan's own words:
Ever since Google+ launched, we’ve been publishing photography books that contained some of the best photographs you shared. We published two volumes so far. It wasn’t just a nice coffee table book - but all proceeds from the sale went to great causes. Two years ago we raised over $10,000 for Kiva. A year ago we raised over $13,000 for the Kilgoris Project and we bought cameras for kids in Kenya. This year’s cause will soon be announced, but as usual, all proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit a charitable cause.
I wish I knew about this project last year - I would certainly have submitted a photo. I just sent in the photo above, entitled "The Morning Tide". Whether or not my photo is selected for the book, watch for the PlusOne Collection and support a worthy cause.